Letters From Germany

Köhler cousins (page 17)

1954 - 1955 Letters sent by Emma Vogel to her first cousin, August Maas, in Walnut Grove, MN.

See page one for additional information about these letters.
[The accession numbers (A/N) are for reference and cataloging purposes.]

A/N - VOG014 - undated letter from Emma Vogel to August Maas. [Translation by Siegfried Krause].

Dear August together with family!

Hopefully, you got my letter, where I informed you that I am now with my oldest daughter. She is permanently sick, and I now constantly must stay here, in order to nurse her. It is much more beautiful here than in the Russian Zone, but it is always the same, I don't get a cent of money. Therefore, I would like to ask you once, dear August: Would you help me out once with 10 dollars? I will get it exchanged here. Because I can’t buy myself anything at all. I was not allowed to take anything with me from the Russian zone. My son-in-law is also constantly unemployed, with a sick wife and two children besides. Because of that, I can't demand much from them either. However, now dear August, I think that you will have a heart and fulfill my wish. I would be so grateful. So, even if you have cast off things, think of me.

Now want to close in the hope to get answer again from you soon.

Greetings to you many times as well as to your family.

Cousin Emma Vogel

My address now is:
Emma Vogel
(20) Ammedorf No. 6, Kreis Neustadt near Hanover
English zone

A/N - VOG016 - letter from Emma Vogel to August Maas. [Translation by Siegfried Krause].

20 July 1954

Dear August together with family!

Hopefully, your have gotten my letter where I communicated to you that I have gotten the money with thanks. I bought myself a bed with it. However, no one was allowed to take anything from the Russian zone for oneself. Today, I also got a letter that my son wants to visit me in the middle of August. Everyone longs for their mother.

Now, my dear August, I would have a request again: would you help me again, in this case with 10 dollars, because I still get no money, and I would not like to take on credit. I work already more frequently with the farmer, and my son-in-law is unemployed as well. Dear August, this will be the last time that I will bother you. Maybe your sister has also once something remaining. Also, should you have once cast-off things, please think of me. However, I would share it with my children, because I can temporary buy myself nothing at all.

Now my dear ones, please doesn't take it amiss, and I hope, however, that you still can help me out first, because everything is probably here, only the money is very scarce. My siblings are also all here in the proximity, we have not seen them also for many years, where I am the youngest. Hopefully, I will (be able) to come them also once.

Now want to close, hoping to get an answer from you dear ones soon.

We greet you many times,

cousin Emma Vogel

A/N - VOG018 - letter from Emma Vogel to August Maas. [Translation by Siegfried Krause].

25 June 1955

Dear August!

However, must also give a life-sign of me once again. Hope that you all are still healthy, which is the case with us as well. Only it is still the same with my daughter, it doesn't get any better, she also has two children. Now I must stay with her forever. How is your wife, is she better again? Do you already know that my brother Franz’s wife died? He is quite alone now, but we siblings have much trouble with him. He becomes negligent now. Also, he no longer writes to any of his siblings. However, he gets such a beautiful pension, with it he is able to fend good. But he still wants to have a nice life at his age. How must I, as his youngest sister, scrape along myself. Because I don't get any support at all, over the whole week I don't have a penny of money, and in the summer, I go to the farmers in the afternoon, because I want to earn something for myself. I am 53 years old, and must work until I am 55, (translator's note: I can’t decipher the number, it looks like 55.) then, I will get a pension first. One can't put down oneself either with the children. How are your children? Hopefully, you will also let me hear from you once again. Now, dear August, I would have another request, would you still support me with some cast-off things as well with some money, because one doesn’t earn so much here even with the farmer. However, I was so happy at Easter, when the Steffen family sent me 10 dollars. However, they helped me so in the need. Dear August, if you will meet them once, tell them that I still thank them many times.

Now I want to close for today, and hope, however, that you will fulfill my wish. However, I am also so grateful to you dear ones. It is embarrassing for me that I have to beg so. I am also the youngest of my whole siblings, who get, at least their support.

Wish you all health, with many greetings, your

Mrs. Emma Vogel