Letters From Germany

Köhler cousins (page 15)
1948 - 1951

Letters sent by Emma Vogel to her first cousin, August Maas, in Walnut Grove, MN.

See page one for additional information about these letters.
[The accession numbers (A/N) are for reference and cataloging purposes.]

A/N - VOG022 - letter from Emma Vogel to August Maas. [Translation by Siegfried Krause]

Remda near Rudolstadt in Thüringen
March 2, 1948

Dear cousin!

From my sister Anna, I got the information that she heard from you. I also would like to meet you closer. I am the youngest daughter of my father, August Köhler, and married in Thuringia (sp?) here since 23 years. I am 46 years old, have 2 daughters and one son. He was also in American captivity. He is 22 years old. He doesn’t likes it here at all, would gladly go to America. The circumstances here are ??????, because it is not beautiful here in the Russian zone. With food, it is very bad here, one must starve mostly. Also, we have lost much of our land clothing. I have a husband 8 years already and who is incurable.

(click on photo to enlarge)

Dear cousin, now, I want to ask you, whether you have something remaining for us. Because the distress is very great. All of my siblings became homeless, also our parents were gone several years ago. How is it there? Are our uncle and aunt still living, or don't you have anyone any more either. Hopefully, you will also write to me for more information. I am attaching a picture of me. I resemble my father very much.

Now I want to close, and hope to get an answer from you soon.

Many greetings from Mrs. Emma Vogel nee Köhler

A/N - VOG001 - letter from Emma Vogel to August Maas. [Translation by Siegfried Krause]

11 June 1948

Dear Cousin!

I had written you already once, but I assume that you didn't receive the letter. I got your address from my sister Anna, and would also like to get to know you. I am the youngest child of my father, and I have been living in Thuringia already for 24 years. In particular, I must tell you, that I am not doing well here in the Russian zone. Firstly, they have taken much away from us, and secondly, one must starve here. One knows only dry bread here. There is nothing at all to buy here. Only a little bit on food stamps, and to dress we also don't get anything here. My son came from the captivity and had outgrown all and doesn't have a suit.

Dear cousin, now I have to ask a favor. If you have some cast off clothing sometime, it mustn’t be new, would you send it to us. Even if you have some left over groceries, I would be delighted. Because here there is a big famine. In the other zones, where my other siblings are living, it is much better. Many people here have relatives in America who support them. How are you and your family? I hope, you will send a picture sometime. Dear cousin, I feel myself very much begging, but if the need would not be so great, I would not write it.

Want to close for today, hoping to hear from you soon.

Greetings to you and your family

Mrs. Emma Vogel, nee Köhler
(15) Remda near Rudolstadt in Thuringia
Altremdaerstr. 74

A/N - VOG002 - letter from Emma Vogel to August Maas. [Translation by Siegfried Krause]

12 Feb. 1949

Dear cousin,

Please don't resent that I am writing once again to you. I would gladly like to have a few lines also once from you. Hopefully you and your family are well. Our health is also good so far, with the exception of my husband, who has already suffered 9 years and constantly must lie in the bed. He is only 49 years old. My 2 children must nourish us, since I cannot go away from him. One doesn't have either what one could give to the sick person.

Dear August, can you send me some food? I would be very grateful to you, or do you have to provide also with your family? So please send me a few lines (to tell us) how you are. Maybe you can also send a picture. We don’t get to buy much here.

Now want to close in the hope to get a few lines from you soon

Many greetings,

Mrs. Emma Vogel, nee Köhler
Remda near Rudolstadt in Thuringia

A/N - VOG004 - letter from Emma Vogel to August Maas. [Translation by Siegfried Krause]

20 January 1951

Dear Maas family!

Now I must immediately communicate to you that we received your dear CARE package. As if the dear God would have seen that once again we had nothing to eat. Because once again we must wait until the end of the month for new tokens (food stamps). First, above all, many, many thanks for the beautiful donation. I don't know how I should thank you. You won’t believe even what a great help this is for us.

Now I have become very poor, and I am standing quite alone here. My husband died last August. I would gladly like to work, however, here there is no work. Also, I don’t get any support here. I still have 2 children, but they also are married and they have to do for themselves. Life costs money every day. Maybe you can support me with a little donation again. Because we get less meat and fat on the tokens. Things like coffee, cocoa, rice, cinnamon and peppers are unknown to us already for many years. None of this is available here. I thank you once more. However, I hope that you can feel how it is going for me here.

Many greetings,

Your Emma Vogel
Remda near Rudolstadt in Thuringia
Altremdaerstr. 74