Letters From Germany

Köhler cousins (page 11)
1952 - 1953

Letters sent by Elfriede Köhler to August Maas in Walnut Grove, MN. Elfreide was the daughter-in-law of Carl Friedrich August Köhler, a brother of Emilie (Köhler) Maas. Her husband, Fritz, was August Maas' cousin.

See page one for additional information about these letters.
[The accession numbers (A/N) are for reference and cataloging purposes.]

A/N - KOH013 [Translation by Siegfried Krause]

9 January 1952

All my loved ones!

A message to you that the package and the letter arrived well, in fact, on New Year's Eve day. It was an unexpected joy, to pick up a package from you loved ones. Günter, my son, was with me at Christmas, and postponed his return trip to Iserlohn to his job for a few hours, to still see the content of the package. He was jubilant as the beautiful pair of summer pants and the beautiful tie appeared, and it fits him so well. For the daughters such splendid dresses, and they write that they are so overjoyed and speechless that they have such dear relatives who endow them so. And so they say cordial thanks and greetings to your dear children, particularly to them. I kept the blue dress and still different things. Also the raisins, fat, and the splendid coffee. We couldn’t afford this at all, we enjoyed ourselves well with it in the new year. You endowed us so well, and brought us into the New Year of 1952. What the year will bring us, one doesn't know. It is a big world stress. One hears so much, but nothing good.

We live here near at the Eastern Zone border. From our daddy (Fritz) still no sign of life, and where he should write to. Berta and Franz always comforts me, but soon one even then starts to despair. But the Russians still have so many prisoners there, however, they does what they want. Your youngest son also was married in March, like our Hildegard and the youngest daughter somewhat later. I and all of us would gladly like to see her picture once. Did the children remain in your proximity? We were very much surprised, dear August, how beautifully you are still able to write German. Yes, now I am quite alone, I was together with my son before. Several weeks ago we applied for a refugee-family reunion with my son, it is in the Sauerland. (The region around the city of Iserlohn) However, we still haven't gotten any authorization reply. It doesn't work so fast, since no apartment is right, and to find a home once again is difficult. You will hear more frequently from us, if we know something new. And so I would like to say you, dear Klara and August, as well as all your dear children, God be with you and quite cordial thanks and greetings from Germany.

Your Elfriede and children.

Also thank you for the beautiful greeting card.

A/N - KOH012 [Translation by Siegfried Krause]

12 March 1953

All my dear ones!

Now finally, I can communicate to you that I am no longer living in Lübeck. Since the 14th of January, I have been here in Iserlohn, Westphalia. It is a long way from Lübeck. This resettlement lasted one day and a night on the railroad, an infinitely long special-train, which was so overcrowded with refugees from Schleswig-Holstein who were dispursed among all countries, or reuniting a family, just like us. Now, thank God, I am together with my son Günter, who was already employed as a die smith here.

I am so happy and content, not to be alone anymore and can provide and can take care of him , he was so run down, and now this week is already more recovered. Also, we got such a beautiful reconstructed apartment, 2 bedrooms, a residential-kitchen, bathrooms, hallway, and are living like people. How happy Fritz would be to know that. Unfortunately, there is still no sign of him living. Now we can get settled in our home, and we must accept this nice home, after hearing everything that has been done to it. Otherwise, it is a beautiful area here, a beautiful wooded city with beautiful mountains. Thus, now we are in proximity of the oldest daughter and son-in-law, with two grandchildren. But again far away from the second daughter in Hamburg. Otherwise, we are all well and hope you are too, also your other siblings, Hedwig and Willi? [she is referring to Hattie and Bill]

How are your children, Ernst and Myrtle, now both married; do they live far away from you? Yesterday, I had to think much about Aunt Block, who had a birthday, and uncle who will soon follow. Franz Köhler was for weeks in the hospital with bladder trouble. He also is becoming old already with Auguste. He is also so happy, to know I am reunited with Günter. My daughter in Hamburg and Franz don't live too far apart and stick together, since they are still living alone there. Berta also is no longer in Holstein. Also Wilhelm and Emma are in the proximity with their son. Gustav is seeking a home for himself. So many Germans are fleeing from the Russian zone and can endure it no longer and want to go into the western zones. How all desire to do that. Stalin is dead now. - - - - -

Not much longer and it will be Easter, and I wish you Happy Easter, and also simultaneously, particularly to all dear relatives,

quite best regards to you from Germany.

Elfriede and Günter Köhler

My new address is:
Elfriede Köhler in Iserlohn (Westphalia)
Finkenweg 4 (21b) Germany