Gene and Norma Maas
Saturday, May 6 Hong Kong
Our day’s tour ended with the obligatory visit to a jewelry factory and store. We didn’t buy anything but we did partake in the free sandwiches and drinks. In the evening, we walked down to the Avenue of Stars on the Promenade to watch the laser light show put on every night at 8 pm. It was a beautiful evening to be out strolling about, but I was much more impressed by the lights around the Shanghai harbor. Sunday, May 7 Hong Kong I went out this morning for a walk through Kowloon Park which was only a block away from the hotel. This beautiful park seems to have something for everyone – various flower and botanical gardens, a maze, fish pond, bird sanctuary with flamingos and multicolored ducks, a huge swimming pool, pavilions, and areas for citizens to exercise or practice tai chi, among other things. This was one of the few times I didn't have my camera with me.
Our day ended with a Western-style farewell dinner. James, in his usual humorous way, did a very nice job summing up all our experiences during the past 20 days. Monday, May 8 The day we dreaded finally arrived and so at 7:45 am we boarded a van to the airport for the 12-hour flight to San Francisco and a connecting flight to Los Angeles. Since we gained back the day we lost, we arrived in LA at about the same time as we left Hong Kong, about 11:45. After collecting our baggage and a 3-hour, frustratingly long trip on the Super Shuttle, we finally arrived home about 4:15 pm. |
Gene Maas 5 Jun 2006
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