Elvershagen, Kr. Regenwalde, Pomerania
(Łagiewniki, Poland)

Elvershagen is located about 3 or 4 miles southeast of Regenwalde. In 1871, there were 49 families and 309 inhabitants living in Elvershagen.

(Source: Paul Schulz Der Kreis Saatzig und die kreisfreie Stadt Stargard. Ein pommersches Heimatbuch. (Hrsg.). Leer: Rautenberg, 1984)


Click on images for an enlarged view

(photos taken 29 April 2007)

Duane standing in the doorway of the church ruins

Exterior and interior views of the only remaining gable

Gateposts at the cemetery
Desecrated graves

© - Gene Maas
3 Dec 2007