SS Rhaetia
German Manifest

Passenger list showing the departure of the Carl Maass family from Germany on November 13, 1892.

To help with reading the German manifest, a translation of the main and columnar headings of the German passenger list follows:

Column Headings:

  1. Zuname - Surname
  2. Vornamen - Given names
  3. Geschlecht - Sex (mannlich - male) (weiblich - female)
  4. Alter - Age
  5. Bisheriger Wohnort - Former place of residence
  6. Im Staate resp. in der Provinz - State & Province
  7. Bisheriger Stand oder Beruf - Former position or occupation
  8. Ziel der Auswanderung - Destination of Emigrant
  9. Zahl der Personen - Number of persons
  10. Erwachsene und Kinder uber 10 Jahre - Adults & children over 10 years
  11. Kinder unter 10 Jahre - Children under 10 years
  12. Kinder unter 1 Jahr - Children under 1 year
The undersigned persons, who are emigrating to New York, are transported by the steamship Rhaetia, Captain Ludwig, under the German flag to New York.
The ship departure is on 13 November 1892.

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