
Genealogy Publications

1. Maas, Gene and Norma (eds.) 1989. Descendants of Carl, Julius, and Johanna Maass. 272+ p. CompuType Business Services, Riverside, CA

2. Maas, Gene and Norma  1997. Descendants of Carl, Julius, and Johanna Maass - Addendum. 56+ p. CompuType Business Services, Riverside, CA

3. Maas, Gene  2004. Researching at the State Archive in Szczecin (Stettin).  Die Pommerschen Leute Vol. 27, Issue 1, pp.1, 3.

4. Maas, Gene 2008. An overview of Lassehne, Kreis Köslin. Die Pommerschen Leute Vol. 31, Issue 1, p.6-8.

5. Maas, Gene 2011. Origin of our Baltic Coast Ancestors. Die Pommerschen Leute Vol. 34, Issue 3, p.43-47.

6. Maas, Gene 2019. Carl Sprengel: Agricultural Scientist and Entrepreneur. Die Pommerschen Leute Vol. 42, Issue 1, p.3-7.

Scientific Publications

1. Maas, Eugene V. Nutrient uptake by plants as influenced by variable moisture levels. (M.S. Thesis) Univ. of Arizona, 1961.

2. Moore, David P., Mason, Benjamin J., and Maas, E. V. Accumulation of calcium in exudate of individual barley roots. Plant Physiol. 40:641-644, 1965.

3. Mason, Benjamin J., Moore, David P., and Maas, Eugene V. Selective inhibition of cation absorption by uranyl. Nature 209: 318-319, 1966.

4. Maas, Eugene V. Manganese absorption by barley roots. (Ph.D. dissertation) Oregon State Univ., 1966.

5. Maas, Eugene V., Moore, David P., and Mason, Benjamin J. Manganese absorption by excised barley roots. Plant Physiol. 43: 527-530, 1968.

6. Maas, E. V., and Leggett, J. E. Uptake of 86Rb and K by excised maize roots. Plant Physiol. 43: 2054-2056, 1968.

7. Maas, Eugene V., Moore, David P., and Mason, Benjamin J. Influence of calcium and magnesium on manganese absorption. Plant Physiol. 44:796-800, 1969.

8. Maas, E. V. Calcium uptake by excised maize roots and interactions with alkali cations. Plant Physiol. 44: 985-989, 1969.

9. Maas, E. V., and Ogata, Gen. Absorption of magnesium and chloride by excised corn roots. Plant Physiol. 47: 357-360, 1971.

10. Maas, E. V., and Ogata, Gen. Radial transport of Na and Cl into tomato root zylem. Plant Physiol. 50: 64-68, 1972.

11. Maas, E. V., Ogata, Gen, and Garber, M. J. Influence of salinity on Fe, Mn and Zn uptake by plants. Agron. J. 64: 793-795, 1972.

12. Hoffman, G. J., Maas, E. V., and Rawlins, S. L. Salinity-ozone interactive effects on yield and water relations of pinto bean. J. Environ. Quality 2: 148-152, 1973.

13. Hoffman, G. J., and Maas, E. V. Salinity-ozone interactive effects on several crops. Amer. Soc. Agr. Eng. Paper No. 73-4523, December 1973.

14. Maas, E. V., Hoffman, G. J., Rawlins, S. L., and Ogata, G. Salinity-ozone interactions on pinto bean: Integrated response to ozone concentration and duration. J. Environ. Quality 2: 400-404, 1973.

15. Ogata, Gen, and Maas, E. V. Interactive effects of salinity and ozone on growth and yield of garden beet. J. Environ. Quality 2: 518-520, 1973.

16. Hoffman, G. J., Maas, E. V., and Rawlins, S. L. Salinity-ozone interactive effects on alfalfa yield and water relations. J. Environ. Quality 4: 326-331, 1975.

17. Shalhevet, Joseph, Maas, Eugene V., Hoffman, Glenn J., and Ogata, Gen. Salinity and the hydraulic conductance of roots. Physiol. Plant. 38:224-232, 1976.

18. Maas, E. V., and Hoffman, G. J. Evaluation and use of crop salt tolerance data. Proc., Saline Seep Control Symp., Montana State Univ., Bozeman, Bulletin 1132: 245-252, 1976.

19. Hoffman, G. J., Jobes, J. A., Hanscom, Z., and Maas, E. V. Timing of environmental stress affects growth and water relations of pinto bean. Amer. Soc. Agr. Eng. Paper No. 76-5529, December 1976.

20. Maas, E. V., and Hoffman, G. J. Crop salt tolerance - current assessment. J. Irrig. and Drainage Div., ASCE 103(IR2): 115-134, 1977. Republished in Proceedings of National Rice Culture Workshop, Oct. 4-8, 1982.

21. Maas, E. V., Finkel, M., and Ogata, G. Salinity, ion transport and membrane proteins. Proc. US-Australian Workshop on Salt Effects on Plant Structures and Processes, Riverside, CA. p. 13-17, 1977.

22. Maas, E. V., and Hoffman, G. J. Crop salt tolerance: Evaluation of existing data. Proc. Int'l. Salinity Conf., Texas Tech. Univ., Lubbock, August 1976. p. 187-198, 1977.

23. U. S. Salinity Laboratory Staff. Minimizing salt in return flow through irrigation management. Environ. Protection Tech. Series, EPA-600/2-77-134, July 1977. 111 pp.

24. Maas, E. V., and Nieman, R. H. Physiology of plant tolerance to salinity. In: Crop Tolerance to Suboptimal Land Conditions, G. A. Jung (ed.) Chapt. 13, ASA Spec. Publ. 32: 277-299, 1978.

25. Hoffman, G. J., Dirksen, C., Ingvalson, R. D., Maas, E. V., Oster, J. D., Rawlins, S. L., Rhoades, J. D., and van Schilfgaarde, J. Minimizing salt in drain water by irrigation management - Design and initial results of Arizona field studies. Agric. Water Mgt. 1(3): 232-252, 1978.

26. Hoffman, G. J., Jobes, J. A., Hanscom, Z., and Maas, E. V. Timing of environmental stress affects growth, water relations, and salt tolerance of pinto bean. Transactions of the ASAE. 21(4): 713-718, 722, 1978.

27. Nassery, H., Ogata, Gen, Nieman, Richard H., and Maas, Eugene V. Growth, phosphate pools, and phosphate mobilization of salt-stressed sesame and pepper. Plant Physiol. 62: 229-231. 1978.

28. Francois, L. E., and Maas, E. V. Plant responses to salinity: An indexed bibliography. USDA, ARM-W-6, October 1978. 291 pp.

29. Nassery, H., Ogata, G., and Maas, E. V. Sensitivity of sesame to various salts. Agron. J. 71: 595-597, 1979.

30. Maas, E. V., Ogata, G., and Finkel, M. H. Salt-induced inhibition of phosphate transport and release of membrane proteins from barley roots. Plant Physiol. 64: 139-143, 1979.

31. Maas, E. V., and Finkel, M. Origin of proteins released from barley roots by osmotic shock. Plant Sci. Letters 17: 7-12, 1979.

32. Hoffman, G. J., Maas, E. V., Meyer, J. L., Prichard, T. L., and Lancaster, D. R. Salt tolerance of corn in the Delta. Calif. Agric. 33:11-12, 1979.

33. Maas, E. V. Sprinkler system with saline water can damage your crops. Calif.-Ariz. Farm Press 1(42): 18, 1979.

34. Maas, E. V., and Grattan, S. R. Hazards posed by salt drift from sprinklers. Calif.-Ariz. Farm Press 2(43): 7 and 42, 1980.

35. U.S. Salinity Laboratory Staff. Minimizing salt in return flow through irrigation management. Final Report to Environ. Protection Agency. July 1981. 160 pp.

36. Grattan, S. R., Maas, E. V., and Ogata, G. Foliar uptake and injury from saline aerosol. J. Environ. Qual. 10(3): 406-409, 1981.

37. Maas, E. V. Salinity and crop productivity. Proc., ASA, Calif. Plant Soil Conf., Sacramento, CA. Jan 28-30, 1981.

38. Maas, E. V., Clark, R. A., and Francois, L. E. Sprinkling-induced foliar injury to pepper plants: Effects of irrigation frequency, duration and water composition. Irrig. Sci. 3: 101-109, 1982.

39. Maas, E. V., Grattan, S. R., and Ogata, G. Foliar salt accumulation and injury in crops sprinkled with saline water. Irrig. Sci. 3: 157-158, 1982.

40. Hoffman, G. J., Maas, E. V., Prichard, T., and Meyer, J. L. Salt tolerance of corn in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta of California. Irrig. Sci. 4: 31-44, 1983.

41. Maas, E. V., Hoffman, G. J., Chaba, G. D., Poss, J. A., and Shannon, M. C. Salt sensitivity of corn at various growth stages. Irrig. Sci. 4:45-57, 1983.

42. Hoffman, G. J., Maas, E. V., Prichard, T. L., Meyer, J. L., and Roberts, R. Salt tolerance of corn in the Delta. Calif. Agric. 37: 11-14, 1983.

43. Maas, E. V. and Hoffman, G. J. Salt sensitivity of corn at various growth stages. Calif. Agric. 37: 14-15, 1983.

44. Hoffman, G. J., Oster, J. D., Maas, E. V., Rhoades, J. D., and van Schilfgaarde, J. Minimizing salt in drain water by irrigation management. Amer. Soc. Agr. Eng. Paper No. 83-2592, Dec. 1983.

45. Migliaccio, F., Maas, E. V., and Ogata, G. Phosphate absorption, fluxes, and symplasmic transport in osmotically-shocked Zea mays roots. J. Expt. Bot. 35: 8-17, 1984.

46. Hoffman, G. J., Oster, J. D., Maas, E. V., Rhoades, J. D., and van Schilfgaarde, J. Minimizing salt in drain water by irrigation management: Arizona field studies with citrus. Agric. Water Manage. 9: 61-78. 1984.

47. Francois, L. E., Donovan, T., and Maas, E. V. Salinity effects on seed yield, growth and germination of grain sorghum. Agron. J. 76: 741-744, 1984.

48. Hoffman, G. J., Oster, J. D., Maas, E. V., Rhoades, J. D., and van Schilfgaarde, J. Minimizing salt in drain water by irrigation management: Leaching studies with alfalfa. Agric. Water Manage. 9: 89-104, 1984.

49. Grattan, S. R. and Maas, E. V. Interactive effects of salinity and substrate phosphate on soybeans. Agron. J. 76: 668-676. 1984.

50. Grieve, C. M. and Maas, E. V. Betaine accumulation in salt-stressed sorghum. Physiol. Planta. 61: 167-171. 1984.

51. Maas, E. V. Crop tolerance. Calif. Agric. 38(10): 20-21, 1984.

52. Maas, E. V. Crop tolerance to saline sprinkling waters. In Biosalinity in Action: Bioproduction with Saline Water. D. Pasternak and A. San Pietro (eds) Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht. 17: 273-284, 1985.

53. Maas, Eugene V. Crop Tolerance to Saline Sprinkling Waters. Plant and Soil 89: 273-284, 1985.

54. Grattan, S. R., and E. V. Maas. Root control of leaf P and Cl accumulation in soybeans under salinity stress. Agron. J. 77: 890-895, 1985.

55. Francois, L. E. and E. V. Maas. Plant responses to salinity: A supplement to an indexed bibliography. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Agri. Res. Service ARS-24, 174 pp. 1985.

56. Maas, E. V. Salt tolerance of plants. Applied Agric. Res. 1(1): 12-26, 1986.

57. Maas, E. V., J. A. Poss, and Glenn J. Hoffman. Salinity sensitivity of sorghum at three growth stages. Irrig. Sci. 7: 1-11, 1986.

58. Maas, E. V. Crop tolerance to saline soil and water. In Prospects for Biosaline Research. R. Ahmad and A. San Pietro (eds). Univ. Karachi, Pakistan. p.205-219, 1986.

59. Maas, E. V. Physiological response of plants to chloride. In Chloride and Crop Production. T. L. Jackson (ed.) Proc. Amer. Soc. Agron. Symp. Spec. Bull. 2: 4-20, 1986.

60. Francois, L. E., E. V. Maas, T. J. Donovan, and V. L. Youngs. Effect of salinity on grain yield and quality, vegetative growth, and germination of semi-dwarf and durum wheat. Agron. J. 78(6):1053-1058, 1986.

61. Maas, E. V., T. J. Donovan, L. E. Francois, and G. E. Hamerstrand. Salt tolerance of guayule. Proc. of the Fourth International Conference on Guayule Research and Development. Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, p. 101-107, 1986.

62. Hoffman, G. J., T. L. Prichard, E. V. Maas, and J. L. Meyer. Irrigation water quality options for corn on saline, organic soils. Irrig. Sci. 7: 265-275, 1986.

63. Maas, E. V. Salt tolerance of plants. In Handbook of Plant Science in Agriculture. B. R. Christie (ed). CRC Press Inc. Vol 2. p. 57-75, 1987.

64. Maas, E. V. Chloride. 1987 McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology. pp. 373-373, 1987.

65. Maas, E. V. and C. M. Grieve. Sodium-induced calcium deficiency in salt-stressed corn. Plant, Cell, and Environ. 10: 559-564, 1987.

66. Nieman, R. H., R. A. Clark, D. Pap, G. Ogata, and E. V. Maas. Effects of salt stress on adenine and uridine nucleotide pools, sugar, and acid soluble phosphate in shoots of pepper and safflower. J. Exp. Bot. 39:301-309, 1988.

67. Grieve C. M. and E. V. Maas. Differential effects of Na/Ca ratio on sorghum genotypes. Crop Sci. 28:659-665, 1988.

68. Olszyk, D. M., E. V. Maas, G. Kats, and L. E. Francois. Soil salinity and ambient O3: Lack of stress interaction for field grown alfalfa. J. Environ. Qual. 17:299-304, 1988.

69. Grattan, S. R., and E. V. Maas. Effect of salinity on phosphate accumulation and injury in soybean. I. Influence of CaCl2/NaCl ratios. Plant and Soil 105: 25-32, 1988.

70. Grattan, S. R., and E. V. Maas. Effect of salinity on phosphate accumulation and injury in soybean. II. Role of substrate Cl. Plant Soil 109:65-71, 1988.

71. Francois, L. E., and T. J. Donovan, Eugene V. Maas, and Gordon L. Rubenthaler. Effect of salinity on grain yield and quality, vegetative growth, and germination of triticale. Agron. J. 80:642-647, 1988.

72. Maas, E. V., T. J. Donovan, and L. E. Francois. Salt tolerance of irrigated guayule. Irrig. Sci. 9:199-211, 1988.

73. Hoffman, G. J., M. C. Shannon, E. V. Maas and Luther B. Grass. Rubber production of salt-stressed guayule at various plant populations. Irrig. Sci. 9:213-226, 1988.

74. Maas, E. V., and J. A. Poss. Salt sensitivity of wheat at various growth stages. Irrig. Sci. 10:29-40, 1989.

75. Maas, E. V., and J. A. Poss. Salt sensitivity of cowpea at various growth stages. Irrig. Sci. 10:313-320, 1989.

76. Francois, L. E., T. J. Donovan, K. Lorenz, and E. V. Maas. Salinity effects on rye grain yield, quality, vegetative growth, and emergence. Agron. J. 81:707-712, 1989.

77. Francois, L. E., T. J. Donovan, and E. V. Maas. Salt tolerance of kenaf. In: Adv. in New Crops, J. Janick and J.E. Simon (eds) Timber Press, Portland, OR pp. 300-301. 1990.

78. Francois, L. E., T. J. Donovan, and E. V. Maas. Salinity effects on emergence, vegetative growth, and seed yield of guar. Agron. J. 82:587-591, 1990.

79. Maas, E. V., and C. M. Grieve. Spike and leaf development in salt-stressed wheat. Crop Sci. 30:1309-1313, 1990.

80. Maas, E. V. Crop salt tolerance. In: Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management, K.K. Tanji (ed.); Chapt. 13, ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering No. 71, ASCE, NY. pp. 262-304, 1990.

81. Plaut, Z., C. M. Grieve, and E. V. Maas. 1990. Salinity effects on CO2 assimilation and diffusive conductance of cowpea leaves. Physiol. Planta. 79:31-38., 1990.

82. Francois, L. E., T. J. Donovan, and E. V. Maas. Calcium deficiency of artichoke buds in relation to salinity. HortScience 26:549-553, 1991.

83. Grieve, C. M., S. M. Lesch, L. E. Francois, and E. V. Maas. Analysis of main-stem yield components in salt-stressed wheat. Crop Sci. 32:697-703, 1992.

84. Lesch, S. M., C. M. Grieve, E. V. Maas, and L. E. Francois. Kernel distributions in main spikes of salt-stressed wheat: A probabilistic modeling approach. Crop Sci. 32:704-712, 1992.

85. Francois, L.E., Donovan, T.J. and Maas, E.V. Yield, vegetative growth, and fiber length of kenaf grown on saline soil. Agron. J. 84:592-598, 1992.

86. Maas, E.V. Plant growth stages and salinity. Proc. Calif. Plant and Soil Conference, pp. 106-110. Calif. Chapter Amer. Soc. Agron., Fresno, CA, Jan. 28-29, 1992.

87. Maas, E.V. Salinity and citriculture. Proc. Intl. Soc. Citriculture, VII Intl. Citrus Congress. Vol. 3, pp.1290-1301, 1992.

88. Maas, E. V. Plant growth response to salt stress. In: Towards the rational use of high salinity tolerant plants. H. Lieth and A. Al Masoom (eds) Vol 1:279-291. Kluwer Academic Pub. Netherlands. 1993.

89. Maas, E.V. Salinity and citriculture. Tree Physiol. 12:195-216, 1993.

90. Grieve, C. M., S. M. Lesch, E. V. Maas, and L. E. Francois. 1993. Leaf and spikelet primordia initiation in salt-stressed wheat. Crop Sci. 33:1286-1294.

91. Maas, E. V., and C. M. Grieve. Salt tolerance of plants at different stages of growth. In: Current Developments in Salinity and Drought Tolerance of Plants, S.S.M. Naqvi, R. Ansari, T. J. Flowers, and A. R. Azmi (ed.); Plant Physiol. Div. Atomic Energy Agric. Res. Ctr.,  Tando Jam, Pakistan, pp. 181-197, 1994.

92. Maas. E. V. 1994. Tolerance and responses of tropical crops to salinity stress. p. 47-56. In: T.L. Davenport and H.M. Harrington (eds.) Proc. Plant Stress in the Tropical Environment. Kailua-Kona, HI, 20-25 Sept 1992. Univ. Florida, Homestead, FL.

93. Francois, L. E. and E. V. Maas. 1994. Crop response and management on salt-affected soils. p. 149-181.  In: M. Pessarakli (ed.) Handbook of Crop Stress, Marcel Dekker, N.Y. [reprinted in Second Edition, p. 169-201. 1999]

94. Rains, D.W. and Maas, E.V. 1995. Salinity stress. p. 154-159. In: Units, Symbols, and Terminology for Plant Physiology. F.B. Salisbury (ed) International Association for Plant Physiologists. Utah State Univ., Logan, UT.

95. Maas, E. V. 1994. Testing crops for salinity tolerance. p. 234-247. In: J.W. Maranville, V.C. Baligar, R.R. Duncan & J.M. Yohe (eds.) Proc. Workshop on Adaptation of Plants to Soil Stresses, Lincoln, NE. 1-4 August 1993. INTSORMIL Pub. No. 94-2. University of Nebraska.

96. Maas, E. V. 1994. Salt tolerance at different stages of growth. Proc. Dryland Salinity Workshop, "Causes to Cures", Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, Feb. 8-9, 1994.

97. Francois, L. E., C. M. Grieve, E. V. Maas, and S. M. Lesch. 1994. Time of salt stress affects growth and yield components of irrigated wheat. Agron. J. 86:100-107.

98. Grieve, C. M., L. E. Francois, and E. V. Maas. 1994. Salinity affects the timing of phasic development in spring wheat. Crop Sci. 34:1544-1549.

99. Maas, E. V., S. M. Lesch, L. E. Francois, and C. M. Grieve. 1994. Tiller development in salt-stressed wheat. Crop. Sci. 34:1594-1603.

100. Maas, E. V., S. M. Lesch, L. E. Francois, and C. M. Grieve. 1996. Contribution of individual culms to yield of salt-stressed wheat. Crop. Sci. 36:142-149.

101. Maas, E. V. 1996. Saline environments of plants - Salt tolerance. McGraw-Hill 1996 Yearbook of Science and Technology. pp. 263-264.

102. Maas, E.V. 1996. Plant response to soil salinity. In: Productive Use and Rehabilitation of Saline Lands. Albany, Western Australia. 385-391.

103. Maas, Gene 1996. Plant response to soil salinity. Aust. J. Soil Water Cons. 9(3):25-28.

104. Boland, A.M., E.V. Maas and P. Jerie. 1996. Long-term effects of salinity on fruit trees. In: International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticultural Crops. Crete. 449:599-605.

105. Boland, A. M., P. Jerie and E. V. Maas. 1997. Long-term effects of salinity on fruit trees. Acta Hort. 449:599-605.

106. Maas, E. V. and Grattan, S. R. 1999. Crop yields as affected by salinity. In: Agricultural Drainage, R.W. Skaggs and J. van Schilfgaarde (eds) Chapt. 3, pp. 55-108. Agron. Monogr.  No. 38. Amer. Soc. Agronomy, Madison, WI

107. Francois, L.E. and E.V. Maas. 1999. Crop Response and Management of Salt-Affected Soils. In: Handbook of Plant and Crop Stress. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ: Marcel Dekker. 169-201.

108. Grieve, C.M., S.R. Grattan and E.V. Maas. 2012. Plant salt tolerance . In: Wallender, W.W. and K.K. Tanji (eds.), ASCE Manual and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 71 Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management . Reston, VA:ASCE . 405-459.

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rev. 2 Dec 2019

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