Interesting and Useful Links
Genealogy Resources
- - An online resource for tracing family
history. Ability to search online genealogical databases containing more than
two billion names.
- Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet
- The most complete and comprehensive list of genealogical websites on
the Internet. A well-maintained list of over 264,400 links to genealogical
sites (as of April 2008).
- Family Tree Maker - An
online genealogy resource providing name searches, software, books, research
services and websites.
- Federation of East European Family History Societies
- A multi-ethnic federation of societies, organizations and individuals with
genealogical interests in Eastern and Central Europe.
- Genealogy
Resources on the Internet - Germany/Prussia mailing lists (see short
list below)
- An online resource for family history providing message boards, home
pages, family searches and shopping.
- German genealogy resources on emigration, mailing lists, home pages,
societies, and terminology.
- Immigrant Genealogical Society
- Founded to help Americans trace their ancestors' origins, particularly in the German speaking areas of Europe.
- Immigrant Ships
Transcribers Guild - Ship descriptions from various Internet mailing lists.
- Lineages - A genealogy reference library and resource center
for beginning researchers and experienced family historians
- National Archives Genealogy Page
- Provides information about National Archives and Records Administration's
(NARA) Regional Records Services Facilities,
online research guides and genealogical data, and microform catalogs and
finding aids.
- Pommernkontakte - A
surname database for family researchers in Pomerania
- USGenWeb Project - Provides Internet websites for genealogical research in every county and every state of the United States.
- Vital Records Information for the U. S.
- Where to obtain birth, marriage and death certificates and divorce decrees
from each state in the United States.
- WorldGenWeb Project - A volunteer genealogical organization dedicated to the free access of genealogical information by anyone in the world.
Mailing Lists - Electronic Discussion Groups
- BADEN-WURTTEMBERG. For anyone with genealogical interests in Baden, Hohenzollern, and
Wurttemberg. To subscribe type only the word "subscribe" (without the quotes)
in the subject and body of an email message to
- GCRA. For
anyone with genealogical interests in Germans from Russia specifically
involving the Glueckstal Colonies of Bergdorf, Glueckstal, Kassel, and Neudorf and their daughter colonies.
A mailing list devoted to genealogy and family research of Germans from Russia.
A mailing list devoted to Pomeranian culture, history and genealogy.
For anyone interested in sharing and exchanging information on Pomeranian genealogy,
culture and history.
To subscribe to POMMERN-L, go to
- ROOTS-L - The
original genealogy mailing list established in 1987. To subscribe type only the word "subscribe" (without the quotes) in an email message to
Germans From Russia
Maps and Gazetteers
- Kartenmeister
- the most comprehensive database of its kind on the internet with the
locations of over 75,459 towns and villages east of the Oder and Neisse
rivers. It includes their current and former names and the number of
inhabitants in the early 1900's.
- Pomeranian Maps - Online maps from 1628 to 1938
- Pommern
(Pomerania), Prussia - From an 1882 Blackie & Sons atlas (color, 215
- Pommern Landkarte
- Color maps of Pomerania in 1938 (1:300,000)
On-Line Dictionary

© - Gene Maas
rev. 26 February 2010
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